2023-01-25 11:01:40 云快卖


#1 Do you have a table for ?


Q: Hello, to Panda , do you have a ?

A: No, do you have a table for two?

Q: Yes of , right this way.


1、这里输入标#2 Can I have the menu?


Q: Is this table ok?

A: Yeah, it's good. Can I have the menu?

Q: Sure. Here you go. I'll be back when you're ready to order.


#3 I'm ready to order.


Q: Hi, me?

Q: Hello?

Q: I'm ready to order.


#4 Can I get a _____?


Q: Um…… I'm if I get …… wait a ……


A: I come back when you're ready?

Q: No, no. I'm ready to order. Um……Can I get a glass of water first?


#5 What would you ?


Q: I'm a hard time, what do you ?

A: Oh we have a night combo meal. It's a with salad on the side plus a .

Q: it's 100 .ヽ(°◇° )ノ(怎么这么贵饭堂点餐,大洋付不起)

#6 No, .


Q: What about our grand slam , it's quite right now.

A: Not .

Q: Can I you in the apple , it's .

A: No, .

Q: So what's it gonna be?

A: Yeah maybe give me that glass of water first?

Q: Um……Sure.

#7 I'll have _____.


Q: Hi, are you all set? Ready to order?

A: Yeah, I'll have the .

Q: , okay. What kind of would you like?

A: I'll go with the honey .



#8 That's all, thank you.


Q: else you want to order?

A: Just the I think.

Q: , , ?

A: Nope, that's all, thank you.


#9 I've been for quite a while.


Q: me, I've been for quite a while. I was if my order is ready?

A: Let me check that for you. is it?

Q: Right. I it 5 ago.

A: I think it's gonna take more than 5 .

Q: .


#10 Can I get this to go.


Q: Sorry, I'm a late, can I get this to go?

A: Sure, do you need a to-go box?

Q: Um, just gimme a paper bag.

A: No , I'll wrap that up for you.





